The Royal Tinfoil know all about irony and contrast. An unlikely pair of poetic swindlers from Charleston SC, Lily Slay and Lamont “Mackie” Boles put snappy rhythm and witty melody on a sleazy tale with their debut studio release, Well Water Communion. From nearly dead lovers and bourbon-soaked scamps to pesky little devils and toenail-collecting stalkers, the two storytellers romanticize the follies and blunders of themselves and their friends, both imaginary and real. Recorded in Wichita, KS during a haphazard tour pit stop, Well Water Communion is a refreshing collection of tall tales and true confessions, offering an unabashed glimpse into the bantering minds of a few spitfire gypsy rockers.
Since the release of their debut album, the band has been rounded out with the additions of Brad Edwardson on stand-up bass, Marshall Hudson on drums, and Tim Edgar on harmonica. Over the last 18 months or so, the Royal Tinfoil have proven themselves to be one of the absolute best live bands in Charleston, with fantastic energy and creativity and the chops to back it up.